Whenever a client, prospective employee or contractor steps onto your business premises, impressions matter. Regardless of whether this truly reflects your company’s level of efficiency and professionalism, wilting plants, overflowing dustbins and, yes, cheap signage will all contribute to you being taken less seriously. Traffolyte is simply a trade name…

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Offices and workplaces need to meet with certain regulations in order to pass health and safety tests. It’s absolutely essential that all workplaces in the UK look after their staff – these regulations are there for a reason. Here are some tips to help you ensure the health and safety…

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Chain slings have been an integral part of lifting equipment industry because they are ideal for application at places where there is need of extra strength. They are an excellent choice in environmental hazards such as chemical-related hazards, excessive heat supply, and temperature. Chain slings for lifting purposes are available…

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Up and over garage doors are a safe and reliable option for any home. Up and over doors generally come in two varieties, canopy and retractable. When open, a canopy door overhangs the garage, whereas a retractable door retracts into the garage, leaving the edge flush against the garage opening….

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