Used cranes can be good value for money, in comparison to a brand new crane. Much like cars, they will lose value as soon as they have been purchased, so it’s often not worth paying the price of a new crane when a used one can do exactly the same…

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Safety when lifting heavy loads is paramount in any construction environment. People working in construction need to understand how to keep themselves safe, and heavy lifting can be one of the more dangerous processes to take part in – when not aware of the way in which to lift. Here…

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Does every business need a crane? Not necessarily, but many, many businesses certainly could benefit from using a crane to enhance lifting processes and make them easier to manage. This has the power to improve safety, help improve speed of processes, and generally to allow the business to move forward…

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For those who aren’t overly familiar with the lifting equipment industry, it might be difficult to know where to obtain one of the best jib cranes on the market, as well as where to buy jib crane accessories. This could include anything from lifting slings to hoists; anything that can…

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Lifting equipment is one of those things that sounds like it would be most suited to an industrial environment. In fact, many businesses use lifting equipment on a daily basis, whether or not they think about it. If you use a trolley to transport materials around your building, then this…

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